Watch "A Home in Paradise" Documentary
Watch the film " A Home in Paradise" in the comfort of your home and tell us what you think. Please fill out the form below, and we will send you the password to watch the film.
Feedback Form
We want to hear what you think! Complete & submit your thoughts about the issues presented in the film. Click yellow button below for access to the feedback form. We appreciate your help and feedback!
"A Home in Paradise" Prompts (use one or all of the prompts as guides to help develop your thoughts about the issues addressed in the film)
What was your biggest takeaway/learning from the film? What resonated? What did not?
What do you think are the most important barriers to affordable housing in our community?
Talk about if you or someone you know has experienced challenges to acquire safe and affordable housing and the impact that had on you/them.
How do you feel substance misuse and addiction impacts our community?
Talk about what “socioeconomic divide” means to you and how you think that plays out in our community.
Do you believe you have the power to create community change? If so, what does that mean to you, or what does that look like?
Talk about a time you shared a connection with someone different from you (in culture, ethnicity, generation, politics, life experience, etc.).
How do you envision what Chaffee County will look like in 2050? What would you like to see?
How old will you be in 2050 and how does that change your perspective?